Jesse, because of you I have the 2 most wonderful little boys in the world. I know we may not always see eye to eye but when it comes to our boys we can always come together and do what is best for them and I appreciate that, and I am sure when they are old enough to understand what we do for them, so will they.
John, because of you the boys have a good role model. Because of you I get to show them by example what a loving, caring relationship is like so that they will know what to look for when they are choosing a life partner. Because of you they open my door. It was so funny a few weeks ago when the neighbors son was over and trying to snuggle with you and Ethan got so upset and said, "Why you do that?! He not your Daddy! He MY daddy! I have 2 Daddy! You don't have a Daddy!!" Even though I thought it was mean, it was also very sweet. Because of you we know that being a father is acting like one. Being a loving, caring paternal figure in a childs life.
I Love You All and hope you have a Happy Father's Day!
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