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Squeakers Goes Camping

It's that time of year again!
The cubscout spring campout!
Squeakers (Amalia) is such a great baby.

Okay, let me pause here and tell you where my nickname for her came from.
She always squeaks a lot before she cries to give me a chance to sort her out so she doesn't have to cry (so thoughtful!).  John always used to say she sounded like a baby raptor, after he had us all watch all Jurassic Parks I have to admit, she really did.  However, I think she sounds more like a baby tiger now, so cute.

Anyway, Our camping neighbours were concerned about a new baby in the tent right next to them, they didn't believe that she was as good as we claimed.  By the end of the campout people were asking if our baby was real because they never heard a peep from her the whole time! I think she really likes the outdoors, just like her Mummy.

Big brother Ethan picks flowers for her hair.
 NOT our tent! We dont drink soda.
 All holding hands, sweet.

 Outside drains her
 Sibling love


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