John, myself and the boys are excited to announce that we are going to have a new addition to the family!!!!! Excited, overjoyed, elated are a few of the words to describe how we all feel right now.
After having Ethan I truly thought I was never going to have another baby, not because I did not want one (because I did) but because, let's just say circumstances were less than ideal at the time.
John definitely did not expect to ever be...expecting... again either! But I guess we both never expected to find each other. =)
This is something we have talked about since day 1, and the time is finally here and now!
First things first... Need that cocoa butter to keep everything in check!!
Next, baby naming, it takes me forever to find a name I like, so the earlier start we get, the better!!

I have lost 2 pounds but my tummy is obviously growing!!
I put on 40pounds each pregnancy, believe it or not, so I'm ready!
Thanx to Mummy and Daddy for good, genes, I always pop right back to normal in no time. =)
The beginning of the pregnancy was very rocky, but things seem to be stable now. Still taking it as easy as possible, don't want to throw anything off. The boys and John are my care takers, they are excellent at it! (Mainly keeping me fed!!) My appetite is through the roof!! Since I am already a healthy eater, and I want to give little Baby Benham the best start on life, I stick mainly to organic fruits, vegetables and juices... along with the handful of vitamins John ensures I take everyday. Somehow I have no appetite for meat (weird) so I have to have ensure protein drinks, which are pretty yummy to me right now.
We are having so many changes in our life, all very positive. Here's to the future and a little one!!!
Yay!!!!! Congratulations to you both. Im excited about 'OUR' new addition ;-). I'm so happy for all the blessings God has in store for you and your family this year! I can't wait to see that beautiful baby that's been giving so much trouble! I pray for a happy, prosperous, and peaceful year for you and your family! Love you all.
ReplyDeleteAwwww! I LOVE you Kindle!!! Cant wait for us to go baby shopping!!!! Tomorrow we will be living in the same State, I swear Im having the best week EVER!!!! xoxo