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And the Fun Begins

On Sunday, March 11th, we welcomed our newest family member.

 Amalia Rachael Emily Benham.

It all began Saturday morning.  I had signs of labor but we had the Pinewood Derby so I hoped she would wait.  And of course, she did.

Contractions started coming in very slowly and Mummy and Binx came over.  We hung out, and hung out, and hung out and the contractions weren't getting stronger but slowly moving closer together.  We all finally took naps then we started hanging out again.  Finally at 12am we decided to go to the hospital.

3 cm dilated and I was admitted. Kindle, my bff of course came to the hospital as well.  All our biggest supporters were there.

Waiting for Baby
 Getting some well needed rest.
Last moments before birth

 My contractions never got  intense before the epidural kicked in, thank goodness.  Somehow my left side didn't kick in so I could feel it all on that side, but because I have back labor and I couldn't feel pain in my back, it wasn't bad at all, it actually felt good.  My doctor walked in and literally 3 minutes later took her gloves off and walked out. I want to do this again and again and again! I love having babies, I was made for this.

Amalia was born at 10:36am.  The first thing I thought when I saw her is, GREEN EYES!  She is identical to John.  And when I say identical, she looks just like him, exactly like him.  Very cute.  I tell him, good thing I love the way you look!

 Checking out her green eyes for the first time. 
 Daddy and his little look alike.
 1st Grand-daughter.  She loves her Granny already.
 Inky Binky! I love love LOVE my sister! She helped out with getting the kids to school, cooking, tidying while working and finding time to visit me in the hospital daily. 

 Big brother Kaiden.  He adores his sister.
 Aunty Kindle!! <3  My caretaker! Love you so much.
 Mummy has been the best Mummy EVER! Coming over cooking, taking the boys to the park, taking them shopping, taking care of my every need.  This not only helps me and the boys and Amalia, but it helps John a lot too.  I am going to really miss her when shes back doing regular hours at work.
 Big brother Ethan is getting the hang of this.  He loves brushing her hair and giving her kisses.

For now I am spending every moment breast feeding, snuggling and changing diapers.  i love waking up at night to take care of her.  So far no one else has had to even change a diaper.  I love doing it all.  I am a baby hog.  John is enjoying me writing this blog so he has a chance to hold her.  He is so sweet with her.

We are enjoying every single moment right now.  I am trying to hold on to every memory.  I will definitely be updating with more and more and MORE pictures of our little sweetheart.


  1. Awwww.... She is too sweet. I coming for her today! :)

  2. Yay!! Congrats on your arrival!! She is sooo adorable :) how much did she weigh? I can't wait to see some pics of her beautiful eyes. I'm a baby hog too Becca. I wish I could have 6 kids haha

    1. Thanks Belinda. Its my first girl. Amazing how much more softly she nurses. With the boys I was cracked blistered and bleeding by now. Its a relief that I am not, I was dreading it.
      She was 6lbs 6oz but I took her home at 6lbs .6 oz.
      I scrare John whenever I say I want to do this again. Its so addictive.

  3. I just love reading your blog...

  4. I thought she looked like a 6lb 6oz so I had to ask. Penny was 6,6 too when we took her home she was 5 something. She's a little beast now. Loves her milkies :) I know it's very addictive! So happy for you guys


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